Indirect Tax Compliance: Managing Sales Tax, Use Tax, and Other Indirect Taxes

Indirect Tax Compliance: Managing Sales Tax, Use Tax, and Other Indirect Taxes

Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang kepatuhan terhadap pajak tidak langsung termasuk sales tax, use tax, dan pajak tidak langsung lainnya. Peserta akan mempelajari cara menganalisis, melaporkan, dan mengelola implikasi pajak tidak langsung untuk meminimalkan risiko dan memastikan kepatuhan.

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Penanggung Jawab Administrator
Terakhir diperbarui 14/08/2024
Waktu Penyelesaian 5 jam 45 menit
Anggota 1
  • Introduction to Indirect Taxes
    3Pelajaran · 45 mnt
    • Definition and Types of Indirect Taxes
    • Importance of Indirect Tax Compliance
    • Legal Framework and Regulatory Environment
  • Sales Tax Compliance
    4Pelajaran · 1 j
    • Sales Tax Basics
    • Taxable Products and Services
    • Sales Tax Rates and Jurisdictions
    • Filing and Reporting Requirements
  • Use Tax Management
    4Pelajaran · 1 j
    • What is Use Tax?
    • Use Tax vs Sales Tax
    • Calculating and Reporting Use Tax
    • Compliance Strategies for Use Tax
  • Other Indirect Taxes
    4Pelajaran · 1 j
    • Value Added Tax (VAT)
    • Excise Tax
    • Property Tax
    • Import Duties
  • Risk Management in Indirect Tax
    4Pelajaran · 1 j
    • Identifying and Assessing Risks
    • Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
    • Audit Readiness and Documentation
    • Dispute Resolution
  • Technology and Tools for Indirect Tax Compliance
    4Pelajaran · 1 j
    • Tax Compliance Software
    • Data Analytics for Tax Management
    • Automation in Tax Reporting
    • Best Practices for Technology Integration