Risk Culture and Communication: Building a Risk-Aware Organizational Culture

Risk Culture and Communication: Building a Risk-Aware Organizational Culture

This training is designed to help organizations develop a robust risk culture, ensuring that all employees understand the importance of risk management and are empowered to communicate risks effectively. The program emphasizes creating a risk-aware environment where proactive risk management is a part of everyday operations.

Rp 99,99
99.99000000000001 IDR Rp 99,99
Rp 99,99
Penanggung Jawab Administrator
Terakhir diperbarui 14/08/2024
Waktu Penyelesaian 6 jam 45 menit
Anggota 1
  • Introduction to Risk Culture
    4Pelajaran · 1 j
    • Definition of Risk Culture
    • Components of Risk Culture
    • Benefits of a Strong Risk Culture
    • Case Studies of Effective Risk Cultures
  • Building Blocks of Risk Culture
    5Pelajaran · 1 j 15 mnt
    • Leadership and Governance
    • Risk Policies and Procedures
    • Training and Awareness Programs
    • Incentives and Accountability
    • Risk Communication Channels
  • Strategies for Promoting Risk Awareness
    4Pelajaran · 1 j
    • Creating Risk Awareness Campaigns
    • Integrating Risk Management into Daily Activities
    • Engaging Employees in Risk Discussions
    • Tools and Technologies for Risk Awareness
  • Effective Risk Communication
    5Pelajaran · 1 j 15 mnt
    • Principles of Risk Communication
    • Identifying Key Stakeholders
    • Developing Clear Communication Channels
    • Using Data and Analytics to Inform Communication
    • Feedback Mechanisms and Continuous Improvement
  • Role of Leadership in Risk Culture
    4Pelajaran · 1 j
    • Setting the Tone from the Top
    • Leadership Engagement and Risk Oversight
    • Modeling Risk-Awareness Behavior
    • Encouraging Open Communication
  • Action Plan Development
    5Pelajaran · 1 j 15 mnt
    • Assessing Current Risk Culture
    • Identifying Gaps and Improvement Areas
    • Setting Measurable Objectives
    • Implementing and Monitoring Progress
    • Review and Adaptation Strategies