Cost of Capital: Calculating and Managing Capital Costs for Optimal Investment

Cost of Capital: Calculating and Managing Capital Costs for Optimal Investment

This comprehensive training program aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to accurately calculate and effectively manage the cost of capital, a critical metric for making informed investment decisions and optimizing corporate finance strategies.

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Last Update 08/14/2024
Completion Time 3 hours 45 minutes
Members 1
  • Introduction to Cost of Capital
    3Lessons · 45 min
    • Definition and importance of cost of capital
    • Components of cost of capital: debt, equity, and preferred stock
    • Role of cost of capital in corporate finance
  • Calculating Cost of Capital
    4Lessons · 1 hr
    • Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
    • Cost of Debt and Cost of Equity
    • Methods for calculating cost of equity: Dividend Discount Model (DDM) and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
    • Challenges and common pitfalls in calculating cost of capital
  • Managing and Optimizing Cost of Capital
    4Lessons · 1 hr
    • Factors influencing cost of capital
    • Strategies to lower the cost of capital
    • Impact of business and financial risk on cost of capital
    • Case studies on managing and optimizing cost of capital
  • Applying Cost of Capital in Investment Decisions
    4Lessons · 1 hr
    • Capital budgeting and cost of capital
    • Investment appraisal techniques: NPV, IRR, and Payback Period
    • Risk analysis in investment decisions
    • Integrating cost of capital into corporate strategy