Fundamentals of Risk Management: Understanding and Managing Financial Risks

Fundamentals of Risk Management: Understanding and Managing Financial Risks

This training provides a comprehensive understanding of the concepts, tools, and strategies used in risk management, with a focus on financial risks. It aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to identify, assess, and manage financial risks effectively.

Rp 99.99
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Rp 99.99
Responsible Administrator
Last Update 08/14/2024
Completion Time 6 hours 30 minutes
Members 1
  • Introduction to Risk Management
    4Lessons · 1 hr
    • Definition and Scope of Risk Management
    • History and Evolution of Risk Management
    • Importance of Risk Management in Finance
    • Key Concepts: Risk, Uncertainty, and Exposure
  • Types of Financial Risks
    5Lessons · 1 hr 15 min
    • Market Risk
    • Credit Risk
    • Liquidity Risk
    • Operational Risk
    • Legal and Regulatory Risk
  • Risk Assessment and Measurement
    5Lessons · 1 hr 15 min
    • Risk Identification Techniques
    • Qualitative vs. Quantitative Risk Assessment
    • Value at Risk (VaR) and Other Risk Metrics
    • Stress Testing and Scenario Analysis
    • Risk Reporting and Communication
  • Risk Management Strategies
    5Lessons · 1 hr 15 min
    • Hedging Techniques
    • Diversification
    • Insurance
    • Capital Allocation
    • Contingency Planning
  • Regulatory Framework and Corporate Governance
    4Lessons · 1 hr
    • Overview of Financial Regulations
    • Risk Management Requirements from Regulators
    • Role of Board and Senior Management in Risk Management
    • Corporate Governance & Risk Culture
  • Case Studies and Best Practices
    3Lessons · 45 min
    • Analyzing Real-World Financial Risk Scenarios
    • Lessons from Financial Crises
    • Best Practices in Risk Management