Tax Implications in Financial Reporting: Understanding and Managing Tax-related Issues

Tax Implications in Financial Reporting: Understanding and Managing Tax-related Issues

This training provides a comprehensive understanding of tax implications in financial reporting. Participants will learn to identify and manage tax-related issues to ensure compliance and minimize risks.

Rp 99.99
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Rp 99.99
Responsible Administrator
Last Update 08/14/2024
Completion Time 3 hours 45 minutes
Members 1
  • Introduction to Tax Implications in Financial Reporting
    3Lessons · 45 min
    • Overview of Financial Reporting
    • Basic Tax Concepts and Principles
    • The Relationship Between Taxation and Financial Reporting
  • Identifying Tax-related Issues in Financial Reporting
    3Lessons · 45 min
    • Common Tax-related Adjustments in Financial Statements
    • Deferred Tax Liabilities and Assets
    • Tax Expenses and Tax Payable
  • Managing and Mitigating Tax Risks
    3Lessons · 45 min
    • Tax Planning and Compliance Strategies
    • Tax Risk Assessment and Control
    • Utilizing Technology for Tax Management
  • Latest Tax Regulations and Their Impact
    3Lessons · 45 min
    • Recent Changes in Tax Laws and Regulations
    • International Tax Developments
    • Case Studies on Tax Regulation Impacts
  • Practical Application and Case Studies
    3Lessons · 45 min
    • Analyzing Real-world Financial Reports for Tax Implications
    • Hands-on Workshops and Exercises
    • Group Discussions and Presentations